Beware, poisonous!

500.00 рсд

Каталог изложбе

Уредник каталога: Ана Пауновић
Аутори: Дубравка Вучић, Гордана Грбић, Драгана Ђурић, Борис Иванчевић, Биљана Митровић, Марјан Никетић, Ана Пауновић, Милан Пауновић, Александар Стојановић
Фотографије: Љубица Војводић, Борис Иванчевић, Милош Јовић, Бора Милићевић, Марјан Никетић, Милан Пауновић, Драгиша Савић, Александар Стојановић
Преводилац: Андреа Гомбош
Издавач: Природњачки музеј
Број страна: 65 стр.
Језик: српски
Тип повеза: Меки пoвез
Формат: 22 x 22 цм
Година издања: 2018.
Кључне речи: Природњачки мутеј, Отровне биљке, Отровне животиње, Изложбени каталози;
ISBN 978-86-82145-59-2



„Beware, poisonous!“ is a professionally popular publication that accompanied the exhibition of the Natural History Museum, which, apart from the cultural one, has wider social significance and practical application.
The exhibition „Beware, poisonous!“ is another unusual exhibition of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade, which presented the phenomenon of poison from nature as a unique phenomenon in the living world. The exhibition presented poisonous species of mushrooms, plants and animals (insects, centipedes, spiders, scorpions, amphibians, reptiles, mammals) and described poisons from nature, their role, purpose and importance.
The elements of the exhibition that are described in the publication, along with many illustrations, include rarely exhibited and unusual exhibits in the form of herbal, taxidermy and liquid preparations and molds of poisonous plants, animals and mushrooms, and a special attraction of the exhibition was the segment with exposed live exhibits of exotic scorpions and spiders.
The publication also contains offered knowledge about the composition, action of the poison, measures of prevention and protection against intoxication, as well as advice on how to behave in case of contact with the poison of a jellyfish, spider, snake, scorpion, stingray, and even a mosquito.


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