Paleontological collections constitute a large part of all natural history collections in Serbia. The main management aim for any significant paleontological specimens is to provide an adequate storage place for such material, to ensure their proper curation and documentation as well as their accessibility and long-term security.
The Natural History Museum in Belgrade is the only institution in Serbia dedicated to collection, protection, preservation and exhibition of moveable cultural property of natural history. Collections of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Invertebrates contain fossils from the territory of Serbia, former Yugoslav republics and other parts of the world. They have been established as the result of lengthy paleontological investigations and museological works. The initial part of both collections was bestowed by the Jestastvenički Cabinet of the Great School in 1901.
Current state of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Invertebrates Collections is determined based on the appropriate reference parameters, including the access to collections and specimens, accessibility of collections and specimens, the type and number of specimens, the purpose and frequency of use, conditions required for storage (security against theft, protection against moisture, flood, fire), utilization of storage space (organisation and functionality), availability of human resources and technical and technological capacities.
Key words: Paleozoic and Mesozoic Invertebrates Collections, Natural History Museum in Belgrade, background, current state, perspective
Savić, D., Karaman, M.
Leotiomycetes Checklist of Mt Fruška Gora with new records for Serbian Mycobiota
In the period from 2012 to 2016 diversity of fungi from the class Leotiomycetes (Ascomycota) was investigated on the Mt Fruška Gora Mountain (Serbia). In total we recorded 164 species of which 131 represent the first records for Serbia. The paper includes a list of all the collected leotiomycetous fungi, except order Erysiphales, on Mt Fruška Gora, with data of localities, collection dates, host plants, as well as data from the literature concerning all species that have so far been reported from Serbia. The whole number of recorded species from the class Leotiomycetes in Serbia is 342, including the species from the order Erysiphales (104).
Key words: Ascomycota, Leotiomycetes, Serbia
Tomović, G., Zlatković, B., Lazarević, M., Niketić, M.
Viola orbelica (Violaceae), new species for the Flora of Serbia
During two botanical expeditions in southeast Serbia (Mt. Dukat) one intriguing species of the genus Viola (V. sect. Melanium) was found. Intensive inspection and comparation with the plant material from several herbarium collections revealed that it is V. orbelica Pančić, which is a new species for the flora of Serbia. Morphological description, general distribution, ecological traits, chromosome number as well as threatened status of the newly discovered Viola plant in Serbia are presented.
Key words: Viola orbelica, distribution, threatened status, Serbia
Perić, R., Stojšić, V., Rilak, S., Škondrić, S.
The account of Elatine ambigua Wight, E. triandra Schkuhr and E. hungarica Moesz collected in Vojvodina (Serbia)
In the course of field research of flora and vegetation, carried out on wetland and saline habitats in Vojvodina (Serbia), we have collected specimens of genus Elatine L. belonging to the three species. One of them represents adventive species (E. ambigua Wight), recorded for the first time in Serbia at three localities in Srem, while the other two have been discovered at new localities: E. triandra Schkuhr at one locality in Srem and E. hungarica Moesz at three localities in Banat. They contribute significantly to the present knowledge concerning their recent distribution in Serbia and region.
Key words: flora, chorology, Serbia
Dimorphocoris saulii Wagner is a new species for the faunas of Serbia and Montenegro as well as a new genus for the fauna of Serbia. Genus Dimorphocoris is represented in Balkan Peninsula with nine species: D. beieri Wagner, D. debilis debilis (Reuter), D. fuscus Joakimov, D. gracilis (Rambur), D. lateralis Reuter, D. sari Linnavuori, D. sauli Wagner, D. schmidti (Fieber) and D. tristis (Fieber). Within the Balkan Peninsula they inhabit Mts Dinarides (Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia), Mts Rhodope (Bulgaria), Mts Pindus (Greece) and some Mediterranean islands.
Key words: Dimorphocoris, Heteroptera, Serbia, Montenegro, Balkan Peninsula
Iković, V., Tomović, Lj., Ljubisavljević, K.
Contribution to the knowledge of the Batracho- and Herpetofauna of the Bjelopavlići Region (Montenegro)
We present the distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the Bjelopavlići region (central Montenegro) based on our field work records and of literature data. Twelve species of amphibians and 25 species of reptiles were recorded at 49 localities of which 57 % records has not been previously published. The greatest diversity of batracho- and herpetofauna was recorded at sites in the river Zeta plain. Our study provides the important information for assessments of diversity of batracho- and herpetofauna of Montenegro and their conservation.
Key words: amphibians, reptiles, Central Montenegro, Balkan Peninsula