This manual is prepared within the project Bats and environmental impact assessment: tools for implementation of the European habitats directive and the EUROBATS agreement in Serbia, realized by Wildlife Conservation Society “Mustela” from Belgrade and the Dutch Mammal Society (Zoogdiervereniging), with the help of the Natural History Museum, Belgrade, and the support of the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia.
Purpose of the manual is to provide comprehensive synthesis of up-to-date knowledge on bats in Serbia and present an adequate methodology for their study in relation to EIA, to help the conservation of bat populations in an intensively changing environment, particularly in zones with direct conflicts of interest between bat conservation and planning/developmen, to help the experts involved in environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment, in order for their studies/reports to include applicable measures for avoidance, mitigation and compensation of negative impacts of projects/plans.
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